Our Collection Of Cycling Trophies

Are you in a charge of a cycling event and need a supplier of affordable trophies?

Around 5.3 million people in the UK cycle every week, making it one of the most popular and accessible of sports. Since it’s mainly an aerobic activity, it’s an excellent way to give your heart, blood vessels and lungs a workout. It can also easily be done solo or with other people.

There’s never been more exciting cycling events taking place all over Britain, giving people a chance to put their stamina to the test and win prizes for their speed and agility.

Jaycee Trophies can help you reward your star cyclists with our range of attractive yet affordable cycling trophies. Whether you’re looking for bargain medals, resin cycling awards, plastic trophies or glass awards, you’ll find what you’re looking for among our collections.

With many quality trophies priced under £10.00, Jaycee Trophies are ideal for somebody on even the tightest budget.

Among our range of products is this Cycling Glass Award which is stylish, modern and will look great at presentation ceremonies. Although it starts from only £9.50, it looks high-end and has an engraving plate for your own message. It is available in three sizes and is mounted on an integral base.

For more information, browse our collection of cycling trophies today.